Have you ever needed to check over massive amounts of records and information in the shortest amount of time possible? Whether you're an employer, researcher, or just someone that's looking for information on their neighbourhood and city, it can be a time consuming task without access to the right information channels. However, with your foot in the door at the right places, your search for records and information can be cut in half, or perhaps even less time. Want to know how to search through massive government records and databases?
The easiest, quickest and cheapest way is to look into a government records service, which allow you to search through huge databases of government records from the comfort and security of your own home. With records covering criminal convictions, most wanted lists, sex offender registries, and bankruptcy records, access to a government records database is perfect for the discerning employer or HR professional. By utilising these databases, you can cut your time spent searching for employee information and background details to just a fraction of what it would be offline. Instead of exhausting your personal contacts and network, government records services can leave you feeling stress free and well acquainted with any potential leads and hires.
It's not just for employers either. Are you a parent that's looking to investigate a new neighbourhood before committing to moving there? With government records, you can search any prospective neighbourhoods for criminals, sex offenders, and other undesirable residents. Instead of taking your chances in an unsafe neighbourhood, you can easily access crime and arrest records, and find out exactly how safe or unsafe any part of your city is. This isn't just information, it's true security, and can save you from exposing yourself to a neighbourhood that's unsafe. This free report, full of information on using government records for background checking and safety, will help you make an informed decision on how to access government records:
Click Here To Download Your Free Government Records Report
So, are you ready to access all of the personnel files and local government data that you need? Whether you're searching for a new neighbourhood, background checking a potential employee, or just looking to gain a greater understanding of your city, checking through government records is a great way to gain the information you need without the stress of contacting representatives and officials. With this great free report available, you'll never be without the information you require.
Click Here To Download Your Free Government Records Report
TIG Treasure Resources is an Empowerment Opportunity that helps People in Nigeria Make Money. Our objectives are: Poverty eradication, Financial empowerment, Job creation and Business establishment.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Need To Find Someone? Try Government Records
Have you ever needed to find a long lost friend, relative, or classmate? Searching through the offline channels can be time consuming and expensive, and often ends up with massive time investments but very little substantial information. When you need to find a long lost person, the best place to look isn't necessarily through your rolodex of contacts. In fact, the best places aren't always community orientated at all. Government Records services can get you the most targeted and relevant information without the trouble of contacting people yourself, and all for a minimal cost.
Not familiar with government records? To put it simply, they're a record keeping service, where you can find government records in a centralised, easy to navigate location. Whether you're looking for employee information, relatives' contact details, or information on criminals and sex offenders in your city, government records services are by far the simplest, cheapest and quickest way to find the information that you need.
Don't waste your money on private investigators and expensive offline services. While you'll most likely get similar results, they'll cost you anywhere from ten to one hundred times the cost of a similar online service. With private investigators charging upwards of $100 per hour for their services, it's hard to justify the expense when vastly superior online services are available for just a fraction of the cost. Why cause yourself trouble and expenses when you can get even better service online for 1/10th of the price?
Need information but don't have time to investigate by yourself? With government records it's as simple as typing someones name into your search bar and letting the directory take care of the rest. Rather than spending massive amounts of time and money searching for what you need, government records services can take care of it cheaply and easily with minimal work from you. This free report, full of information on government records services and investigation ideas, explains in detail just how government records can help you find the information you need.
Click Here To Download Your Free Government Records Report
So, are you ready to cut your person searching time in half? By utilising online tools for finding personnel records, phone numbers and addresses, you can get in touch with the people you need much faster than by looking offline. With this free report, you can learn all you need to know about government records.
Click Here To Download Your Free Government Records Report
Not familiar with government records? To put it simply, they're a record keeping service, where you can find government records in a centralised, easy to navigate location. Whether you're looking for employee information, relatives' contact details, or information on criminals and sex offenders in your city, government records services are by far the simplest, cheapest and quickest way to find the information that you need.
Don't waste your money on private investigators and expensive offline services. While you'll most likely get similar results, they'll cost you anywhere from ten to one hundred times the cost of a similar online service. With private investigators charging upwards of $100 per hour for their services, it's hard to justify the expense when vastly superior online services are available for just a fraction of the cost. Why cause yourself trouble and expenses when you can get even better service online for 1/10th of the price?
Need information but don't have time to investigate by yourself? With government records it's as simple as typing someones name into your search bar and letting the directory take care of the rest. Rather than spending massive amounts of time and money searching for what you need, government records services can take care of it cheaply and easily with minimal work from you. This free report, full of information on government records services and investigation ideas, explains in detail just how government records can help you find the information you need.
Click Here To Download Your Free Government Records Report
So, are you ready to cut your person searching time in half? By utilising online tools for finding personnel records, phone numbers and addresses, you can get in touch with the people you need much faster than by looking offline. With this free report, you can learn all you need to know about government records.
Click Here To Download Your Free Government Records Report
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Tired of Fitness Hype and Nonsense?
It's something we've all come face to face with -- the outright absurd claims made by many of the 'top' fitness experts and trainers. With some of the products that get their daily showing on national TV, it's no surprise that the fitness industry is riddled with scams and highly questionable products. While this has created a massive amount of confusion and stress for people that are just looking to lose weight and tighten their physiques, it's left many fat-cat fitness executives busy counting their money. Don't fall for the corporate hype -- sometimes it's best to go back to basics in order to get the best fitness workout and unbeatable end results.
Want to trim away your stomach fat? Don't both with any of the ultra-hyped fitness contraptions out there, or any of the ridiculous diet pills and weight loss formulas. Those contraptions are designed to sell, and nothing else. Once it arrives on your doorstep you'll quickly realise that it's worthless, and unusable for any real exercises. Same problem with the supplements -- while they promise the world, they don't give any real results. Don't fall victim to this deceptive advertising, just go straight to the sources and get the fitness information that will help you get to where you want.
Want to really maximise your fitness level? Focus on the few exercises that are responsible for the majority of your gains. It's called the Pareto Principle, and it dictates that 20% of your actions will result in 80% of your results. There's no better field to apply this to than to fitness, which is full of useless advice and questionable exercises. By focusing on the most important exercises, you can save yourself the time and money that you'd spend on all the hyped up, result-less products.
This free report, packed full of only the most essential fitness information, can help you on your way. If you're tired of corporate excess and just want some honest fitness advice, this is by far the best place to look.
Click Here To Download Your Free "Great Looking Abs" Report
Need a workout that doesn't take all day? With most workouts highly bloated with unnecessary exercises, sometimes you just need information that cuts to the chase and gives you the most important fitness information, without the fluff. This report contains all the information you need to get started, whether you're a fitness newbie or an experienced fitness buff.
Click Here To Download Your Free "Great Looking Abs" Report
Want to trim away your stomach fat? Don't both with any of the ultra-hyped fitness contraptions out there, or any of the ridiculous diet pills and weight loss formulas. Those contraptions are designed to sell, and nothing else. Once it arrives on your doorstep you'll quickly realise that it's worthless, and unusable for any real exercises. Same problem with the supplements -- while they promise the world, they don't give any real results. Don't fall victim to this deceptive advertising, just go straight to the sources and get the fitness information that will help you get to where you want.
Want to really maximise your fitness level? Focus on the few exercises that are responsible for the majority of your gains. It's called the Pareto Principle, and it dictates that 20% of your actions will result in 80% of your results. There's no better field to apply this to than to fitness, which is full of useless advice and questionable exercises. By focusing on the most important exercises, you can save yourself the time and money that you'd spend on all the hyped up, result-less products.
This free report, packed full of only the most essential fitness information, can help you on your way. If you're tired of corporate excess and just want some honest fitness advice, this is by far the best place to look.
Click Here To Download Your Free "Great Looking Abs" Report
Need a workout that doesn't take all day? With most workouts highly bloated with unnecessary exercises, sometimes you just need information that cuts to the chase and gives you the most important fitness information, without the fluff. This report contains all the information you need to get started, whether you're a fitness newbie or an experienced fitness buff.
Click Here To Download Your Free "Great Looking Abs" Report
Monday, October 5, 2009
Ready To Trim Away Your Belly Fat?
Losing stomach fat and building six-pack abdominals is something that all too many people dream about and never take any action on. While trimming away stomach fat isn't the hardest thing in the world, the fitness industry certainly hasn't helped people see that. From deceptive ads to truly ridiculous products, the fitness industry is packed to the brim with bizarre and stupid misinformation and dieting myths. While it's easy to see the ads and infomercials and think that rock hard abs can only be built using a bizarre fitness contraption, the truth couldn't be further from the television spots. Rock hard abs can be built without any fancy equipment, and just by utilising the weights and frames available at your local gym.
Tired of expensive trainers and diet programs? Don't worry about them any more. What little claims they can actually live up to are nothing next to the weight you end up putting back on once the program is over. Don't give in to the hype and buy the next big abdominal scam. Instead, go back to basics and focus on the exercises that have built great bodies for hundreds of years.
What are these exercises? They're the simple lifts and movements that get passed over by the major fitness companies because they're not 'marketable' enough, or just plain bland looking next to the latest and greatest ab contraption. They're the bricks that built the house, not the fancy flooring inside. And like any house, they'll stand on their own without the floor, but the house would fall down without them.
This free report, written using information provided by some of the world's best fitness trainers, is full of information specifically designed to help you step away from the hype and build an ab workout that actually works. If you've grown tired of endless broken promises, ridiculous abdominal equipment, and simply absurd claims from major fitness companies, then this report is for you. It's 100% back to basics, no-nonsense advice and information, and it's all backed up by hundreds of successful athletes and non-athletic transformations. You don't need to be a star athlete to apply this information, you just need to understand the key principles of all exercise.
Click Here To Download Your Free "Great Looking Abs" Report
So, are you ready to take a step back from the hype and look at the simple exercises that can have you on your way towards a perfect stomach? This free report is a must-read for anyone looking to up their exercise routine, and take steps towards building the body that they deserve.
Click Here To Download Your Free "Great Looking Abs" Report
Tired of expensive trainers and diet programs? Don't worry about them any more. What little claims they can actually live up to are nothing next to the weight you end up putting back on once the program is over. Don't give in to the hype and buy the next big abdominal scam. Instead, go back to basics and focus on the exercises that have built great bodies for hundreds of years.
What are these exercises? They're the simple lifts and movements that get passed over by the major fitness companies because they're not 'marketable' enough, or just plain bland looking next to the latest and greatest ab contraption. They're the bricks that built the house, not the fancy flooring inside. And like any house, they'll stand on their own without the floor, but the house would fall down without them.
This free report, written using information provided by some of the world's best fitness trainers, is full of information specifically designed to help you step away from the hype and build an ab workout that actually works. If you've grown tired of endless broken promises, ridiculous abdominal equipment, and simply absurd claims from major fitness companies, then this report is for you. It's 100% back to basics, no-nonsense advice and information, and it's all backed up by hundreds of successful athletes and non-athletic transformations. You don't need to be a star athlete to apply this information, you just need to understand the key principles of all exercise.
Click Here To Download Your Free "Great Looking Abs" Report
So, are you ready to take a step back from the hype and look at the simple exercises that can have you on your way towards a perfect stomach? This free report is a must-read for anyone looking to up their exercise routine, and take steps towards building the body that they deserve.
Click Here To Download Your Free "Great Looking Abs" Report
Sunday, October 4, 2009
I saw a caption, ‘If you want easy life, go to the mortuary’ in a wealth empowerment newspaper, Success Digest Extra. I was curious so I read on. The write said that more than 50% of readers of his article were of the opinion that Mr. A or Mr. B who rides a beautiful car next door is simply an Aladin who has everything going for him; what a great misconception. He went on to say that from available facts, there was no easy life anywhere. Virtually every living person that is still breathing has one problem or the other.
At every stage of a man’s life, there is a problem to solve. If a two-month old baby is hungry and wants to suckle, and his mother is not there on time to offer that service, of course the baby will cry at the top of his voice; that to the baby is a problem.
Now the child grows up more, and wants to walk like others. But each time he wants to walk or run, he falls down. Of course, that is another problem.
Yes, the boy has now grown up; he can now walk and run but wants a bicycle from his dad like his friends, which his dad has no time for, ha ha, that is another problem.
Well, bicycle or no bicycle, the child grows and he needs to pass his exam, what a problem again. Oh, luckily, he now got a bicycle, passed his exam, but how now will he gain admission into the university? Hmmm, another problem.
Thanks be to God, he gains admission but how does he pay through the university with constant increase in fees, interrupted academic sessions? Lord have mercy, that’s another problem. Well, thank God, he finishes school but needs a place for the National Youth Service assignment, and he is not getting one- another problem.
God does that; he finishes his youth service but needs a job; another problem.
After years of prayers and fasting, a job comes. But he wants to marry and requires a good marriage partner. Don’t you think that is another problem to solve? And the list could go on and on.
But you know what? Some people are providing solutions to those problems and are making millions of dollars, and smiling to their banks. You could join them now or keep on dreaming of an ‘easy life’ which is only an illusion. The choice is yours.
There are only two places where those who live easy lives are found, the mortuary or at the cemetery. I’m sure if the choice were yours, you’ll never be ready to join them.
This free report, packed with information on affiliate marketing optimisations, earning secrets, and autopilot strategies, is the best way to maximise your online earnings and minimise your workload.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Income Report
Regardless of who you are and where you are in your online marketing career, you could be optimising things further and maximising your earnings. Don't fall for the old timers saying that you've got to put in hour after hour to see results. Instead, work smart and make sure that your time is spent on the things that truly matter. This free report can help you get there, no matter where you are now.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Income Report
At every stage of a man’s life, there is a problem to solve. If a two-month old baby is hungry and wants to suckle, and his mother is not there on time to offer that service, of course the baby will cry at the top of his voice; that to the baby is a problem.
Now the child grows up more, and wants to walk like others. But each time he wants to walk or run, he falls down. Of course, that is another problem.
Yes, the boy has now grown up; he can now walk and run but wants a bicycle from his dad like his friends, which his dad has no time for, ha ha, that is another problem.
Well, bicycle or no bicycle, the child grows and he needs to pass his exam, what a problem again. Oh, luckily, he now got a bicycle, passed his exam, but how now will he gain admission into the university? Hmmm, another problem.
Thanks be to God, he gains admission but how does he pay through the university with constant increase in fees, interrupted academic sessions? Lord have mercy, that’s another problem. Well, thank God, he finishes school but needs a place for the National Youth Service assignment, and he is not getting one- another problem.
God does that; he finishes his youth service but needs a job; another problem.
After years of prayers and fasting, a job comes. But he wants to marry and requires a good marriage partner. Don’t you think that is another problem to solve? And the list could go on and on.
But you know what? Some people are providing solutions to those problems and are making millions of dollars, and smiling to their banks. You could join them now or keep on dreaming of an ‘easy life’ which is only an illusion. The choice is yours.
There are only two places where those who live easy lives are found, the mortuary or at the cemetery. I’m sure if the choice were yours, you’ll never be ready to join them.
This free report, packed with information on affiliate marketing optimisations, earning secrets, and autopilot strategies, is the best way to maximise your online earnings and minimise your workload.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Income Report
Regardless of who you are and where you are in your online marketing career, you could be optimising things further and maximising your earnings. Don't fall for the old timers saying that you've got to put in hour after hour to see results. Instead, work smart and make sure that your time is spent on the things that truly matter. This free report can help you get there, no matter where you are now.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Income Report
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Strength to keep moving : evaluating your home business
A mile from the finish line of the London Marathon, thousands of onlookers holding signs lined the route. When spectators spotted a family member or a friend coming into view, they shouted the person’s name, waved, and yelled encouragement. ‘Just a little farther! Keep going! You’re almost there.’ After running 25miles, many competitors were barely walking and ready to quit. It was amazing to watch exhausted runners brighten and pick up the pace when they saw someone they knew or heard their name called out.
I do not know your name but by writing this article, I’m actually yelling your name. ‘Keep going! You’re almost there! The finish line is in sight.’ It’s not time to quit. Perhaps it’s time to evaluate and adjust. You probably were using the wrong information.
You need to evaluate and adjust. But let me warn that you don’t fall into this common trap. Most people will jump right in and start evaluating and adjusting immediately after they have taken action on their plans. They start checking on themselves a week or even three to four months after they have taken action. Evaluating and making adjustment too soon stops the action that has barely gotten started. They never get the ball rolling.
The time to evaluate and adjust is a fine line that’s often hard to determine. However it’s important to know where that fine line is. As you get better and better, your instincts will kick in and you’ll just know when it’s time to take a different action, or whether you should stick with the formula you’re on.
Some people will say that the key to success is simply positive thinking- and leave it at that. They say to themselves, ‘nothing is wrong, nothing is wrong’ when all is crashing down around them. Be realistic- to see what is going on- to stay out of denial- and when it becomes crystal clear to you that you’re in need of shifting (evaluating and adjusting), then take those steps.
If you’ve stayed with a company three to five years and you do not make enough money, I’ll advice you to move on. I think you’ve got what you got from them, to think outside the box, learn how to network and come out of your shell. Do not be ‘locked’ into the ‘faith mentality,’ thinking come hell or high water, this company is going to make you all the money in the world. This is blind faith- where almost like religion; people think they have to suffer for their dream. It doesn’t have to be in business.
You should ask yourself. ‘I got what I wanted, is it time to move on? Is it time for me to change my program? If your answer is yes, then move on without delay.
In sum, give your goal a chance to ‘take roots,’ to demonstrate to you that it has the potential to grow and eventually succeed. But after a reasonable amount of time (usually six months to a year) if your progress has stagnated or leveled off, that’s the time to ask yourself, ‘what could I do differently to get back on track for success?’
This free report, packed with information on affiliate marketing optimisations, earning secrets, and autopilot strategies, is the best way to maximise your online earnings and minimise your workload.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Income Report
Regardless of who you are and where you are in your online marketing career, you could be optimising things further and maximising your earnings. Don't fall for the old timers saying that you've got to put in hour after hour to see results. Instead, work smart and make sure that your time is spent on the things that truly matter. This free report can help you get there, no matter where you are now.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Income Report
I do not know your name but by writing this article, I’m actually yelling your name. ‘Keep going! You’re almost there! The finish line is in sight.’ It’s not time to quit. Perhaps it’s time to evaluate and adjust. You probably were using the wrong information.
You need to evaluate and adjust. But let me warn that you don’t fall into this common trap. Most people will jump right in and start evaluating and adjusting immediately after they have taken action on their plans. They start checking on themselves a week or even three to four months after they have taken action. Evaluating and making adjustment too soon stops the action that has barely gotten started. They never get the ball rolling.
The time to evaluate and adjust is a fine line that’s often hard to determine. However it’s important to know where that fine line is. As you get better and better, your instincts will kick in and you’ll just know when it’s time to take a different action, or whether you should stick with the formula you’re on.
Some people will say that the key to success is simply positive thinking- and leave it at that. They say to themselves, ‘nothing is wrong, nothing is wrong’ when all is crashing down around them. Be realistic- to see what is going on- to stay out of denial- and when it becomes crystal clear to you that you’re in need of shifting (evaluating and adjusting), then take those steps.
If you’ve stayed with a company three to five years and you do not make enough money, I’ll advice you to move on. I think you’ve got what you got from them, to think outside the box, learn how to network and come out of your shell. Do not be ‘locked’ into the ‘faith mentality,’ thinking come hell or high water, this company is going to make you all the money in the world. This is blind faith- where almost like religion; people think they have to suffer for their dream. It doesn’t have to be in business.
You should ask yourself. ‘I got what I wanted, is it time to move on? Is it time for me to change my program? If your answer is yes, then move on without delay.
In sum, give your goal a chance to ‘take roots,’ to demonstrate to you that it has the potential to grow and eventually succeed. But after a reasonable amount of time (usually six months to a year) if your progress has stagnated or leveled off, that’s the time to ask yourself, ‘what could I do differently to get back on track for success?’
This free report, packed with information on affiliate marketing optimisations, earning secrets, and autopilot strategies, is the best way to maximise your online earnings and minimise your workload.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Income Report
Regardless of who you are and where you are in your online marketing career, you could be optimising things further and maximising your earnings. Don't fall for the old timers saying that you've got to put in hour after hour to see results. Instead, work smart and make sure that your time is spent on the things that truly matter. This free report can help you get there, no matter where you are now.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Income Report
Friday, October 2, 2009
30 Days To Maximum Clickbank Earnings
Your Clickbank earnings need a kick in the pants! Instead of maximising the earnings of your affiliate products, you've been busy focusing on things that aren't important, investing your time in useless distractions, and playing around on online forums. Don't think I don't know -- I'm the all seeing eye of the internet marketing world, and I'm glaring down in disappointment.
Sound familiar? We've all had these thoughts lingering over our heads at some point, and whether we're internet marketers of online entrepreneurs, they come to bite us in the backside one day. It's true; when you can work from the comfort of your living room, it's all too easy to get distracted by things that aren't really important, and miss your deadlines or earnings targets. We've all seen it happen, and we've all felt the disappointment when we don't hit 1000 sales, $10,000 or whatever other target we've got set for the month.
Don't despair, it's not the end of the world. In fact, it's one of the most important and valuable experiences that you could possibly have. Only in failure can we realise what we've been doing wrong, and only in analysis of that failure can we form new long term habits. It's the iron truth of any marketer, businessperson, or online entrepreneur. Every big earner on the block has had a bad month, and the only difference between them and a starving marketer is that they had the determination to learn from their failures instead of letting them control them.
How can you do this for your business? Lets apply some principles to it. Whether you're an internet marketer or entrepreneur, it's no problem to make these problems have positive benefits. With just a few small changes into your outlook, you can analyse these failures and use them to maximise your Clickbank affiliate earnings. This report, packed full of tips for maximising online income through smart learning, is the perfect companion to any marketer that's looking to make up for lost targets, or smash through their sales goal for next month.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Income Report
Still not sure if you can do it? Think about it this way: would you be happy missing targets for the rest of your career. Don't blame your numbers -- you can't set goals too high for yourself. Instead, change your behaviour and business outlook by maximising your goals and ideas. This free report will help you get there, and includes ideas that you can apply right away.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Income Report
Sound familiar? We've all had these thoughts lingering over our heads at some point, and whether we're internet marketers of online entrepreneurs, they come to bite us in the backside one day. It's true; when you can work from the comfort of your living room, it's all too easy to get distracted by things that aren't really important, and miss your deadlines or earnings targets. We've all seen it happen, and we've all felt the disappointment when we don't hit 1000 sales, $10,000 or whatever other target we've got set for the month.
Don't despair, it's not the end of the world. In fact, it's one of the most important and valuable experiences that you could possibly have. Only in failure can we realise what we've been doing wrong, and only in analysis of that failure can we form new long term habits. It's the iron truth of any marketer, businessperson, or online entrepreneur. Every big earner on the block has had a bad month, and the only difference between them and a starving marketer is that they had the determination to learn from their failures instead of letting them control them.
How can you do this for your business? Lets apply some principles to it. Whether you're an internet marketer or entrepreneur, it's no problem to make these problems have positive benefits. With just a few small changes into your outlook, you can analyse these failures and use them to maximise your Clickbank affiliate earnings. This report, packed full of tips for maximising online income through smart learning, is the perfect companion to any marketer that's looking to make up for lost targets, or smash through their sales goal for next month.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Income Report
Still not sure if you can do it? Think about it this way: would you be happy missing targets for the rest of your career. Don't blame your numbers -- you can't set goals too high for yourself. Instead, change your behaviour and business outlook by maximising your goals and ideas. This free report will help you get there, and includes ideas that you can apply right away.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Income Report
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Ready To Make Your Autopilot Income Dreams a Reality?
Every online marketer is chasing an autopilot income, and with so many still pouring hours and hours into their work, it can easily seem like the dream isn't a reality. With many marketers worrying over traffic stats, constantly analysing their landing pages designs, and making sure that their sales copy is 100% optimised, it's easy for you to fall into the trap of thinking that more work = more money. It's not true, and with a quick look into the minds and habits of the top online marketers, it's even easier to see that with just a small amount of initial work, you can create an online marketing income that scales to your lifestyle, creates an income that allows you to live the way you want, and doesn't leave you in front of a computer screen for 80 hours a week.
Tired of the marketing copy promising you time away from work? It's not all junk. While there are hundreds of marketers out there looking to make a quick buck off of your frustration, there are a small, scattered tribe of Clickbank marketers that are making a fortune on their terms, and are looking to share their knowledge with the world. It doesn't matter where you are, and in many ways it's even easier for those without a massive amount of marketing knowledge to apply the principles that can free you from your work.
Why? Because when you're new to something, you're not bound by the traditional DNA that keeps employees and marketers stuck in their computer chairs all day. If you're new to internet marketing and wondering where to go, or an experienced marketer that's looking to tone down their workload and upgrade their lifestyle, the principles that guide the best marketers could easily be applied to your online business today.
This free report, packed with information on affiliate marketing optimisations, earning secrets, and autopilot strategies, is the best way to maximise your online earnings and minimise your workload.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Income Report
Regardless of who you are and where you are in your online marketing career, you could be optimising things further and maximising your earnings. Don't fall for the old timers saying that you've got to put in hour after hour to see results. Instead, work smart and make sure that your time is spent on the things that truly matter. This free report can help you get there, no matter where you are now.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Income Report
Tired of the marketing copy promising you time away from work? It's not all junk. While there are hundreds of marketers out there looking to make a quick buck off of your frustration, there are a small, scattered tribe of Clickbank marketers that are making a fortune on their terms, and are looking to share their knowledge with the world. It doesn't matter where you are, and in many ways it's even easier for those without a massive amount of marketing knowledge to apply the principles that can free you from your work.
Why? Because when you're new to something, you're not bound by the traditional DNA that keeps employees and marketers stuck in their computer chairs all day. If you're new to internet marketing and wondering where to go, or an experienced marketer that's looking to tone down their workload and upgrade their lifestyle, the principles that guide the best marketers could easily be applied to your online business today.
This free report, packed with information on affiliate marketing optimisations, earning secrets, and autopilot strategies, is the best way to maximise your online earnings and minimise your workload.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Income Report
Regardless of who you are and where you are in your online marketing career, you could be optimising things further and maximising your earnings. Don't fall for the old timers saying that you've got to put in hour after hour to see results. Instead, work smart and make sure that your time is spent on the things that truly matter. This free report can help you get there, no matter where you are now.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Income Report
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sick And Tired Of Poorly-Converting AdWords Tactics?
It's something that every marketer has experienced. After you log in to your Google AdWords account, you're perplexed at how your 1200 clicks have resulted in absolutely no sales. With some AdWords campaigns costing marketers large amounts of money, it's imperative to make sure that they work as promised. If you're growing tired of seeing your AdWords campaigns constantly run at a loss, don't get rash and angry. Instead, use the best strategies, tools, and software packages to make sure that your AdWords campaigns run at maximum efficiency and desired effect.
How can you do this? Well, by utilising just a few of the most important keyword and reach tools, you can revolutionise your AdWords strategy. This isn't something that you need to spend weeks and weeks on, these are changes that you can make to your AdWords campaign overnight. By using the best tools, you can change and tweak small parts of your ads to make sure that they're running at full power, not only firing on one cylinder. If you're getting tired of seeing your ads constantly fail to convert, then this information is something you can't afford to miss.
Ever wondered how the AdWords professionals do it? When you're out there spending your hard earned marketing cash on your advertising campaigns, don't sell yourself short. By making the most of your advertising dollars, and using these innovative tools to market your advertising campaign, you can make your conversions shoot up towards the sky, and your profits easily increase over 100%.
This free report, crafted using the most profitable, successful and effective AdWords strategies, is the ultimate reading resource for anyone who's serious about their Google AdWords campaign. Whether you're marketing 1 product or 100, it's massively important to make sure that you're firing at 100% capacity, not just cruising along without converting. At absolutely no cost, you're getting all this information risk and expense free.
Click Here To Download Your Free Secret Keyword Tools
So, are you comfortable having your advertising dollars go to waste, or do you want to make sure that they're being well spent? Whether you're a small time marketer or an internet millionaire, a dollar is a dollar, and when it's not being spent on something valuable, you shouldn't be spending it at all. Don't waste your money on poorly performing advertising, carefully spend it on advertising that truly works.
Click Here To Download Your Free Secret Keyword Tools
How can you do this? Well, by utilising just a few of the most important keyword and reach tools, you can revolutionise your AdWords strategy. This isn't something that you need to spend weeks and weeks on, these are changes that you can make to your AdWords campaign overnight. By using the best tools, you can change and tweak small parts of your ads to make sure that they're running at full power, not only firing on one cylinder. If you're getting tired of seeing your ads constantly fail to convert, then this information is something you can't afford to miss.
Ever wondered how the AdWords professionals do it? When you're out there spending your hard earned marketing cash on your advertising campaigns, don't sell yourself short. By making the most of your advertising dollars, and using these innovative tools to market your advertising campaign, you can make your conversions shoot up towards the sky, and your profits easily increase over 100%.
This free report, crafted using the most profitable, successful and effective AdWords strategies, is the ultimate reading resource for anyone who's serious about their Google AdWords campaign. Whether you're marketing 1 product or 100, it's massively important to make sure that you're firing at 100% capacity, not just cruising along without converting. At absolutely no cost, you're getting all this information risk and expense free.
Click Here To Download Your Free Secret Keyword Tools
So, are you comfortable having your advertising dollars go to waste, or do you want to make sure that they're being well spent? Whether you're a small time marketer or an internet millionaire, a dollar is a dollar, and when it's not being spent on something valuable, you shouldn't be spending it at all. Don't waste your money on poorly performing advertising, carefully spend it on advertising that truly works.
Click Here To Download Your Free Secret Keyword Tools
Need To Kick-Start Your Google AdWords Campaign?
Starting an AdWords campaign is a mission that requires many tasks, tests, and small jobs. Whether you're launching a new product of your own, marketing a product that someone else made, or just gathering data to use in your next product launch, selecting keywords, choosing advertising copy, and picking ad frequency can all prove to be massively stressful activities both on their own, and certainly when put altogether. Instead of making yourself take care of all of these activities, day after day, you can use innovative new tools to make your AdWords experience much more simple and enjoyable.
Just what are these tools? Before we start on any specific software, it's important to establish just why and how these tools can really help you. If you're anything like the standard AdWords user, you've had months where very few of your ads have converted. You likely swore it off as something that just occasionally happens, and nothing that you could do anything about. Well, by using some of this innovative software, you can make sure that those months don't happen any more. By stress-testing keywords before you order your ads, you can make sure you'll only be bidding on the best, most consistently profitable keywords.
It all comes down to results, and with many internet marketers not getting the ones that they want from their AdWords campaigns, it's time to change the strategy. AdWords are truly a mission for the serious internet marketer, and without the proper set of tools helping to guide your journey, you're destined to see little to no results from your advertising campaigns.
Want to scratch that possibility, and leave your AdWords ads converting and creating sales like crazy? This free report, written using some of the most vital, cutting edge and optimised AdWords information and strategies, is the perfect companion for your AdWords work. Whether you're marketing hair ties or sports cars, this report contains the strategies and principles that the most successful marketers use to make sure that their advertising campaigns truly work!
Click Here To Download Your Free Secret Keyword Tools
Completely free, and packed full of information, this report gives you all the details that you need to know about the latest and greatest AdWords applications, tools, and strategic resources. If you're serious about your AdWords advertising, you'd better do your best to make sure you apply them.
Click Here To Download Your Free Secret Keyword Tools
Just what are these tools? Before we start on any specific software, it's important to establish just why and how these tools can really help you. If you're anything like the standard AdWords user, you've had months where very few of your ads have converted. You likely swore it off as something that just occasionally happens, and nothing that you could do anything about. Well, by using some of this innovative software, you can make sure that those months don't happen any more. By stress-testing keywords before you order your ads, you can make sure you'll only be bidding on the best, most consistently profitable keywords.
It all comes down to results, and with many internet marketers not getting the ones that they want from their AdWords campaigns, it's time to change the strategy. AdWords are truly a mission for the serious internet marketer, and without the proper set of tools helping to guide your journey, you're destined to see little to no results from your advertising campaigns.
Want to scratch that possibility, and leave your AdWords ads converting and creating sales like crazy? This free report, written using some of the most vital, cutting edge and optimised AdWords information and strategies, is the perfect companion for your AdWords work. Whether you're marketing hair ties or sports cars, this report contains the strategies and principles that the most successful marketers use to make sure that their advertising campaigns truly work!
Click Here To Download Your Free Secret Keyword Tools
Completely free, and packed full of information, this report gives you all the details that you need to know about the latest and greatest AdWords applications, tools, and strategic resources. If you're serious about your AdWords advertising, you'd better do your best to make sure you apply them.
Click Here To Download Your Free Secret Keyword Tools
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Clickbank For Beginners Pt. 2: Picking A Product To Market
As we discussed in part one of this guide on conquering Clickbank as a beginner, the initial steps towards marketing a product are often the most important. When you're deciding on a product, it's easy to get locked up in the massive amount of choice available, and begin to focus on metrics that aren't that useful to you. These simple strategies and ideas will help you pick products that convert, not products that drain away your time. Remember, half of your work is in picking an effective product, and the other half is in marketing that product effectively. Don't create more work for yourself by choosing something that puts you at a disadvantage from the start.
In order to pick a great product to market, you need to set some criteria that help you align your marketing ideas with the results that you want. If you need 100 conversions per month, there's no point picking a product that sells only in very low quantities. On the other hand, if you're trying to build an income that's based around occasional, and very lucrative one-time sales, it's best to pick a product that can offer you hundreds of dollars per sale. Balancing commissions with your priorities is one of the most important parts of any Clickbank affiliate marketing strategy.
How do you do this? Look at two primary factors; the commission payout for the product that you're interested in, and the average conversion rate for the landing/sales page. When you're marketing a product, you need to be aware of both, as they're the variables that have the most control over your online sales success. Make sure that your project is ranked relatively high for both of those variables, as without them you'll either have an unsteady commission income, or an income that comes steadily but pays very little money in total. The best products offer a combination of both factors, although it can sometimes be an intelligent strategy to combine the two variables through different products.
However, there's a third factor that often goes ignored. That's the enjoyment and passion factor. With so many marketers dead keen to jump on the latest trend and hot product, it can become difficult to align your affiliate marketing career with what's truly important in your life. When you can combine your income with your passions and hobbies, then you'll be much more successful and satisfied with your affiliate marketing career.
How do you do this? Find a product that you can easily see yourself buying. It doesn't necessarily have to align completely with your interests, just present itself as something that you could see a use for personally. This achieves two massive benefits for you; it gives you a product that you'll actually enjoy marketing, and it allows you to put yourself in the eyes of your customers. When you're selling a product that you really love, you'll put everything into making sure that it makes it.
To read part 1 of this article, check out the free Clickbank Starter Kit. Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box. You can also include your affiliate link if you sign up at Clickbank Pirate.
In order to pick a great product to market, you need to set some criteria that help you align your marketing ideas with the results that you want. If you need 100 conversions per month, there's no point picking a product that sells only in very low quantities. On the other hand, if you're trying to build an income that's based around occasional, and very lucrative one-time sales, it's best to pick a product that can offer you hundreds of dollars per sale. Balancing commissions with your priorities is one of the most important parts of any Clickbank affiliate marketing strategy.
How do you do this? Look at two primary factors; the commission payout for the product that you're interested in, and the average conversion rate for the landing/sales page. When you're marketing a product, you need to be aware of both, as they're the variables that have the most control over your online sales success. Make sure that your project is ranked relatively high for both of those variables, as without them you'll either have an unsteady commission income, or an income that comes steadily but pays very little money in total. The best products offer a combination of both factors, although it can sometimes be an intelligent strategy to combine the two variables through different products.
However, there's a third factor that often goes ignored. That's the enjoyment and passion factor. With so many marketers dead keen to jump on the latest trend and hot product, it can become difficult to align your affiliate marketing career with what's truly important in your life. When you can combine your income with your passions and hobbies, then you'll be much more successful and satisfied with your affiliate marketing career.
How do you do this? Find a product that you can easily see yourself buying. It doesn't necessarily have to align completely with your interests, just present itself as something that you could see a use for personally. This achieves two massive benefits for you; it gives you a product that you'll actually enjoy marketing, and it allows you to put yourself in the eyes of your customers. When you're selling a product that you really love, you'll put everything into making sure that it makes it.
To read part 1 of this article, check out the free Clickbank Starter Kit. Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box. You can also include your affiliate link if you sign up at Clickbank Pirate.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Clickbank For Beginners Pt. 1
Clickbank is one of the most popular and revolutionary online affiliate marketplaces. With options available for sellers, buyers, and affiliate marketers, it's the go-to spot for budding affiliate marketers, online entrepreneurs, and experienced marketers alike. If you're new to the internet marketing field, it might come off as large, scary, and difficult to figure out. Don't worry; Clickbank is relatively simple to understand when reduced down to its core elements, and with even a basic understanding of Clickbank it's possible to turn your marketing enthusiasm into a massive, scalable online income. There are three primary goals for beginners; learn how Clickbank commissions work, figure out what products are worth selling, and learn how to effectively market your Clickbank products online.
The first step is learning the dynamics and fundamental ideas that drive Clickbank. When you're a beginner, it can be all too easy to focus on the wrong metrics, and without a good understanding of Clickbank, you can fool yourself into thinking you're picking better products than you really are. Let's start with the absolute basics:
Registering an account on Clickbank is simple, and gaining access to the many products available is as simple as searching through the online product bank. Once you enter your search terms, you'll be presented with a list of products that fit your criteria, a basic summary of the product's statistics and specifications, and informational pages that describe the product to you. From here, it's as simple as looking through to the product's sales page and supporting material to get a good feel for each item.
As a beginner, it's best to have a look through the entire Clickbank marketplace in order to determine which products you're most comfortable advertising. No matter what strikes your fancy, you'll undoubtedly find that some of the products you're most interested in aren't hot sellers, or are massively competitive for the commissions that they offer.
The commission information for each product is displayed on its sales and information page. When you're looking for information and incentives to market each product, look for both the commission total, the average conversion rate, and the item's popularity. High commission products don't necessarily mean big money, as there are many other variables that you need to take into account when marketing a Clickbank product.
This all leads on to figuring out which products to market. For most Clickbank newbies, the massive choice serves as a diversion and distraction more than it does an incentive to market products straight away. When you're presented with thousands of different products to market, it becomes exponentially more difficult to decide on which one is actually right for you. Instead of focusing on whatever you can see, it's best to set some criteria for the products that you want to promote, to prevent you from wasting your time on products that aren't worth the effort.
To read part 2 of this article, check out the free Clickbank Starter Kit. Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box. You can also include your affiliate link if you sign up at Clickbank Pirate.
The first step is learning the dynamics and fundamental ideas that drive Clickbank. When you're a beginner, it can be all too easy to focus on the wrong metrics, and without a good understanding of Clickbank, you can fool yourself into thinking you're picking better products than you really are. Let's start with the absolute basics:
Registering an account on Clickbank is simple, and gaining access to the many products available is as simple as searching through the online product bank. Once you enter your search terms, you'll be presented with a list of products that fit your criteria, a basic summary of the product's statistics and specifications, and informational pages that describe the product to you. From here, it's as simple as looking through to the product's sales page and supporting material to get a good feel for each item.
As a beginner, it's best to have a look through the entire Clickbank marketplace in order to determine which products you're most comfortable advertising. No matter what strikes your fancy, you'll undoubtedly find that some of the products you're most interested in aren't hot sellers, or are massively competitive for the commissions that they offer.
The commission information for each product is displayed on its sales and information page. When you're looking for information and incentives to market each product, look for both the commission total, the average conversion rate, and the item's popularity. High commission products don't necessarily mean big money, as there are many other variables that you need to take into account when marketing a Clickbank product.
This all leads on to figuring out which products to market. For most Clickbank newbies, the massive choice serves as a diversion and distraction more than it does an incentive to market products straight away. When you're presented with thousands of different products to market, it becomes exponentially more difficult to decide on which one is actually right for you. Instead of focusing on whatever you can see, it's best to set some criteria for the products that you want to promote, to prevent you from wasting your time on products that aren't worth the effort.
To read part 2 of this article, check out the free Clickbank Starter Kit. Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box. You can also include your affiliate link if you sign up at Clickbank Pirate.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Start Your Affiliate Empire Today!
Have you ever come across an online product that you thought had massive potential? There are so many internet products out there that have massive cross-market appeal, yet are never really exposed like they should be. If you think you've got a marketing mind, the creativity of a top advertising agent, and the ability to master the online world quickly, then you could become the next millionaire online marketer.
Tired of your desk job? All too often it seems to entail the same mindless work, stamping papers and correcting typos. Don't think you're not worth more. You absolutely are, and when you put your array of skills to work building an online empire for yourself, you can turn your income from a steady stream of paychecks into a massive, lucrative online income. Just by promoting the products that you think can go places, you can transform your lifestyle from the mundane monotony of desk work into an exciting world of online marketing and lifestyle business.
By just applying the most basic principles of marketing, you can conquer the online affiliate marketing services. With Clickbank being one of the most popular and profitable online marketing platforms, mastering the dynamics and strategies that drive the system is one of the quickest paths to building your rapid online income. Whether you're looking to gain $3,000 per month or $30,000, with just a small amount of research and practice with Clickbank this dream can become a reality.
Need some more help? This free report is one of the most influential and important documents for newbie Clickbank marketers, helping you towards success, fortune, and the ultimate lifestyle. Ditch your desk job and pick up the lifestyle and income that you deserve, simply by applying the principles, strategies, and tactics outlined in this simple online report. No matter how much experience you have with online sales, you'll undoubtedly gain the information and skills that you require from this simple, free report.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Starter Kit
Here's a good way to decide if affiliate marketing is right for you: imagine yourself five years down the road. Do you want to stay where you are now, or create the income and lifestyle that you want? If you're comfortable with monotony and boredom, then affiliate marketing might not be for you. However, if you want to create an income that scales around your lifestyle, and allows you to live the way that you want to, then this report can help you get there.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Starter Kit
Tired of your desk job? All too often it seems to entail the same mindless work, stamping papers and correcting typos. Don't think you're not worth more. You absolutely are, and when you put your array of skills to work building an online empire for yourself, you can turn your income from a steady stream of paychecks into a massive, lucrative online income. Just by promoting the products that you think can go places, you can transform your lifestyle from the mundane monotony of desk work into an exciting world of online marketing and lifestyle business.
By just applying the most basic principles of marketing, you can conquer the online affiliate marketing services. With Clickbank being one of the most popular and profitable online marketing platforms, mastering the dynamics and strategies that drive the system is one of the quickest paths to building your rapid online income. Whether you're looking to gain $3,000 per month or $30,000, with just a small amount of research and practice with Clickbank this dream can become a reality.
Need some more help? This free report is one of the most influential and important documents for newbie Clickbank marketers, helping you towards success, fortune, and the ultimate lifestyle. Ditch your desk job and pick up the lifestyle and income that you deserve, simply by applying the principles, strategies, and tactics outlined in this simple online report. No matter how much experience you have with online sales, you'll undoubtedly gain the information and skills that you require from this simple, free report.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Starter Kit
Here's a good way to decide if affiliate marketing is right for you: imagine yourself five years down the road. Do you want to stay where you are now, or create the income and lifestyle that you want? If you're comfortable with monotony and boredom, then affiliate marketing might not be for you. However, if you want to create an income that scales around your lifestyle, and allows you to live the way that you want to, then this report can help you get there.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Starter Kit
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tired Of Waking Up At 7AM For Work?
Are you getting sick of sitting in your car for an hour on the way to your stuffy office? Sick and tired of dealing with a boss that doesn't appreciate you, or treat you for what you're worth? If you're ever thought about leaving your job to create a scalable and enjoyable online income, now is the best time by far to do it. With so many online tools out there that can create a simple income for you online, and present you with lucrative benefits, it's no wonder that more and more people are giving up the 9-5 in order to master the world of online affiliate marketing.
Not sure about affiliate marketing? Don't worry; every great affiliate marketer started in just the same spot as you. When you're growing frustrated in your current career, there's nothing wiser than picking a new choice that allows you the freedom to work from home and truly master your own income. Instead of earning money for someone else and only ever receiving a small slice of the pie, you can utilise the wide array of affiliate marketing programs to create an income that flies directly into your bank account, free of the grabbing hands of corporate accountants.
One of the most popular tools for creating an online affiliate marketing career is Clickbank. A massive online marketplace, Clickbank serves up thousands of different products, all of which are available for affiliate marketers to earn sweet commissions on. With products in hundreds of different categories, there's no doubt that you'll find a massive amount of products that both align with your passions and your commercial interests.
Want to get started right away? If you've got absolutely no experience working online, don't think that you're not right for this lifestyle. With just a small amount of online education, you can turn yourself from a frustrated office worker into someone that's creating a massive online income. This free report is packed with information designed to teach beginners the fundamentals of Clickbank usage, and help intermediate and advanced users master their online affiliate income.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Starter Kit
Ready to start? It's truly as simple as finding something to sell, and absolutely dominating that niche market. Even if you're an absolute beginner, you can teach yourself the skills and abilities required to absolutely dominate the online market, and create a massive income for yourself at the same time. This free report really is the best place to start, and regardless of your current level of Clickbank proficiency, you'll learn something new and valuable from it.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Starter Kit
Not sure about affiliate marketing? Don't worry; every great affiliate marketer started in just the same spot as you. When you're growing frustrated in your current career, there's nothing wiser than picking a new choice that allows you the freedom to work from home and truly master your own income. Instead of earning money for someone else and only ever receiving a small slice of the pie, you can utilise the wide array of affiliate marketing programs to create an income that flies directly into your bank account, free of the grabbing hands of corporate accountants.
One of the most popular tools for creating an online affiliate marketing career is Clickbank. A massive online marketplace, Clickbank serves up thousands of different products, all of which are available for affiliate marketers to earn sweet commissions on. With products in hundreds of different categories, there's no doubt that you'll find a massive amount of products that both align with your passions and your commercial interests.
Want to get started right away? If you've got absolutely no experience working online, don't think that you're not right for this lifestyle. With just a small amount of online education, you can turn yourself from a frustrated office worker into someone that's creating a massive online income. This free report is packed with information designed to teach beginners the fundamentals of Clickbank usage, and help intermediate and advanced users master their online affiliate income.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Starter Kit
Ready to start? It's truly as simple as finding something to sell, and absolutely dominating that niche market. Even if you're an absolute beginner, you can teach yourself the skills and abilities required to absolutely dominate the online market, and create a massive income for yourself at the same time. This free report really is the best place to start, and regardless of your current level of Clickbank proficiency, you'll learn something new and valuable from it.
Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Starter Kit
Thursday, April 23, 2009
You Can Start Small
I chuckle when I see screen-shots of earnings in people's sales letters. The funny thing about most of them is that there’s no portion of it which shows the name of the person claiming to have earned such money. Anybody could get screen-shot of earning from another person’s account and claim to be his. Hence any earning that will be believed must carry the name of the person claiming it.
The purpose of placing this check and debit card here is for the sake of the skeptics who don’t believe money is made on the internet. But I want to state that it takes determination and hard-work. There’s no magic here. There’s no money-tree here. There’s no cash-machine here and there’s no ATM here which gives out free money. You must start somewhere and start small from where you’ll grow to earning the 6 or 7 figure income you dream of. This is not a big check but it’s a proof that money is made on the internet. And it’s just one of the many streams of online income I have. The debit card is another. I withdraw my cash on any Mastercard ATM.
Anybody telling you there’s ‘free launch’ on the internet is just deceiving and if you follow him closely, you’ll find out he’s trying to part you with some money.
Learn the right way of making money and start small.

It's your opportunity to start making money online. Don't just watch while others continue to rake in thousands of dollars online. It's your time to claim your share of the multi-million dollar empire.
Make sure you grab your own package before it's too late.
To order:
Make your payment of N4000 into any of the following account:
Account Name: Matthias Neksummi H.
Account Numbers: First Bank of Nigeria PLC Yola Main- 3602010046127
UBA Zaria- 00260520056653
GTB Zaria- 81133126011590
Text your email address, teller number, branch where payment was made to 08073639975.
Your package will be delivered to your inbox in less than 48hours.
Get this package and let me prove to you what you've been missing. There's so much money to be made on the internet but you've been getting things wrongly. I'm so confident of my product that I want you to keep in mind this 100% risk free because you get full money-back guaranty if you’re not satisfied. Even if your dog sneezes and that makes you not to like my manual, that’s good enough reason to get a refund. What do you have to lose? Nothing!
Remember I'm just taking 200 orders so I can have enough time to put the people through. Once they're taken, that's it. No more. Don't miss out!
If you order with the package on Voucher Printing and Business Financing without collateral, you’ll get all for N5000! Manual for voucher printing is N2500. Hence you get a discount of N1500 when you purchase both manuals.
The purpose of placing this check and debit card here is for the sake of the skeptics who don’t believe money is made on the internet. But I want to state that it takes determination and hard-work. There’s no magic here. There’s no money-tree here. There’s no cash-machine here and there’s no ATM here which gives out free money. You must start somewhere and start small from where you’ll grow to earning the 6 or 7 figure income you dream of. This is not a big check but it’s a proof that money is made on the internet. And it’s just one of the many streams of online income I have. The debit card is another. I withdraw my cash on any Mastercard ATM.
Anybody telling you there’s ‘free launch’ on the internet is just deceiving and if you follow him closely, you’ll find out he’s trying to part you with some money.
Learn the right way of making money and start small.

It's your opportunity to start making money online. Don't just watch while others continue to rake in thousands of dollars online. It's your time to claim your share of the multi-million dollar empire.
Make sure you grab your own package before it's too late.
To order:
Make your payment of N4000 into any of the following account:
Account Name: Matthias Neksummi H.
Account Numbers: First Bank of Nigeria PLC Yola Main- 3602010046127
UBA Zaria- 00260520056653
GTB Zaria- 81133126011590
Text your email address, teller number, branch where payment was made to 08073639975.
Your package will be delivered to your inbox in less than 48hours.
Get this package and let me prove to you what you've been missing. There's so much money to be made on the internet but you've been getting things wrongly. I'm so confident of my product that I want you to keep in mind this 100% risk free because you get full money-back guaranty if you’re not satisfied. Even if your dog sneezes and that makes you not to like my manual, that’s good enough reason to get a refund. What do you have to lose? Nothing!
Remember I'm just taking 200 orders so I can have enough time to put the people through. Once they're taken, that's it. No more. Don't miss out!
If you order with the package on Voucher Printing and Business Financing without collateral, you’ll get all for N5000! Manual for voucher printing is N2500. Hence you get a discount of N1500 when you purchase both manuals.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
‘Dirty’ Little Secret Gurus Never Tell About Starting An information Marketing Business
What I have in this post was gotten from a forum and I thought I should share it with you. Enjoy it. Please when you're done, read the post written in February where you get to learn how to earn at least $45 before you leave this computer right now, and those written in January. They are very important.
"If you learn this secret and embrace it, you will become a guru yourself in almost a twinkle of an eye!
You know sometimes it just makes me laugh!
I meet a new guy who wants to make money selling information products, and the first thing they tell me…almost always, when I ask them the biggest reason why they want to start this business is…’I want to do this so that I can work less, and earn more.
Work less?
Work less?
Come on. There is nothing further away from the truth than this BIG FAT BOLD FACED LIE!
Let me tell in case you’ve gotten it into your head that you have to work far less to earn money in the information marketing business…
There’s Nothing Like That!
Here’s why. It’s simple. The information marketing business is still…A BUSINESS! And God and I’m sure you know that starting any Business Takes… GASP… Work!
Contrary to what many gurus may claim,
NOBODY can hand you a million-naira business idea on a golden plate.
NOBODY will roll up their sleeves and spend evenings and weekends for the next couple of months on your computer with you, getting you through the start-up phase.
NOBODY will be content to help you make a single =N=1,000 sale from a website that you’ve invested =N=thousands into.
And NOBODY will build your business FOR YOU!
You Can’t Expect To Go On Vacation Abroad Like A Music/Nollywood Star During Your First 6 Months…
Like in the post before this one titled “Are You A Serial Opportunity Seeker?” serial opportunity seekers are easily swept up by promises of living the “millionaire lifestyle.”
They read stories of their hero’s latest multi-million naira vacations … rich hobbies … and seemingly endless free time …
… And they want to be there today!
Again, this is not a realistic expectation.
Can you make hundreds of thousands of naira with an online information marketing business?
Can you make millions? It’s possible, yes.
But it’s extremely unlikely that you’re going to be inspired with a million naira business idea that’s going to rocket you into lifestyles of the rich and famous overnight.
I can guarantee you this is NOT how millionaires start…
Millionaires Don’t Work 10 Hours A Week
I know very few millionaires who work part-time on their businesses. Hey Dr. Sunny Obazu-Ojeagbase, even with all the staff he has doesn’t.
In fact, I know very few people making six-figure incomes with their websites who work part-time, either.
Yes, with success and a generous income comes the freedom to spend more time doing the things you love.
But that’s the secret…
Successful entrepreneurs typically love what they’re doing.
So behind closed doors, we’re all eating, sleeping, and breathing our businesses. And this competitive, driven, over-achiever mentality plays a big role in driving our ongoing growth and success.
We may play hard… but we also work damn hard. And you too must expect to do so too, while being smart at it by using tools that will save you time, seeking mentors that will lead you by the hand, and learning everything about the information marketing business, or indeed any other business you may be involved in continuously, everyday!
So Here’s A Word Of Advice…
While you buy into the pipe dream of living the millionaire lifestyle, never forget this, to make it come true, you must be willing to work hard at it."
Let me also add that you don’t lose anything by becoming a student. To think you have all the answers mean you don’t know all the questions.
Pride can cost you your destiny. It’s smarter to tap into other people’s experiences than to learn everything yourself. You may arrive your destination too late.
I’m telling you this out of experience. I learnt a lot on my own and I discovered rather late that I would have moved faster had I purchased manuals from those who were ahead of me. And when I began doing that, my story changed. Mind you I’m not telling you to buy just any manual. Wisdom is profitable to direct.
It's your opportunity to start making money online. Don't just watch while others continue to rake in thousands of dollars online. It's your time to claim your share of the multi-million dollar empire.
Make sure you grab your own package before it's too late.
To order:
Make your payment of N4000 into any of the following account:
Account Name: Matthias Neksummi H.
Account Numbers: First Bank of Nigeria PLC Yola Main- 3602010046127
UBA Zaria- 00260520056653
GTB Zaria- 81133126011590
Text your email address, teller number, branch where payment was made to 08073639975.
Your package will be delivered to your inbox in less than 48hours.
Get this package and let me prove to you what you've been missing. There's so much money to be made on the internet but you've been getting things wrongly. I'm so confident of my product that I want you to keep in mind this 100% risk free because you get full money-back guaranty if you’re not satisfied. Even if your dog sneezes and that makes you not to like my manual, that’s good enough reason to get a refund. What do you have to lose? Nothing!
Remember I'm just taking 200 orders so I can have enough time to put the people through. Once they're taken, that's it. No more. Don't miss out!
If you order with the package on Voucher Printing and Business Financing without collateral, you’ll get all for N5000! Manual for voucher printing is N2500. Hence you get a discount of N1500 when you purchase both manuals.
"If you learn this secret and embrace it, you will become a guru yourself in almost a twinkle of an eye!
You know sometimes it just makes me laugh!
I meet a new guy who wants to make money selling information products, and the first thing they tell me…almost always, when I ask them the biggest reason why they want to start this business is…’I want to do this so that I can work less, and earn more.
Work less?
Work less?
Come on. There is nothing further away from the truth than this BIG FAT BOLD FACED LIE!
Let me tell in case you’ve gotten it into your head that you have to work far less to earn money in the information marketing business…
There’s Nothing Like That!
Here’s why. It’s simple. The information marketing business is still…A BUSINESS! And God and I’m sure you know that starting any Business Takes… GASP… Work!
Contrary to what many gurus may claim,
NOBODY can hand you a million-naira business idea on a golden plate.
NOBODY will roll up their sleeves and spend evenings and weekends for the next couple of months on your computer with you, getting you through the start-up phase.
NOBODY will be content to help you make a single =N=1,000 sale from a website that you’ve invested =N=thousands into.
And NOBODY will build your business FOR YOU!
You Can’t Expect To Go On Vacation Abroad Like A Music/Nollywood Star During Your First 6 Months…
Like in the post before this one titled “Are You A Serial Opportunity Seeker?” serial opportunity seekers are easily swept up by promises of living the “millionaire lifestyle.”
They read stories of their hero’s latest multi-million naira vacations … rich hobbies … and seemingly endless free time …
… And they want to be there today!
Again, this is not a realistic expectation.
Can you make hundreds of thousands of naira with an online information marketing business?
Can you make millions? It’s possible, yes.
But it’s extremely unlikely that you’re going to be inspired with a million naira business idea that’s going to rocket you into lifestyles of the rich and famous overnight.
I can guarantee you this is NOT how millionaires start…
Millionaires Don’t Work 10 Hours A Week
I know very few millionaires who work part-time on their businesses. Hey Dr. Sunny Obazu-Ojeagbase, even with all the staff he has doesn’t.
In fact, I know very few people making six-figure incomes with their websites who work part-time, either.
Yes, with success and a generous income comes the freedom to spend more time doing the things you love.
But that’s the secret…
Successful entrepreneurs typically love what they’re doing.
So behind closed doors, we’re all eating, sleeping, and breathing our businesses. And this competitive, driven, over-achiever mentality plays a big role in driving our ongoing growth and success.
We may play hard… but we also work damn hard. And you too must expect to do so too, while being smart at it by using tools that will save you time, seeking mentors that will lead you by the hand, and learning everything about the information marketing business, or indeed any other business you may be involved in continuously, everyday!
So Here’s A Word Of Advice…
While you buy into the pipe dream of living the millionaire lifestyle, never forget this, to make it come true, you must be willing to work hard at it."
Let me also add that you don’t lose anything by becoming a student. To think you have all the answers mean you don’t know all the questions.
Pride can cost you your destiny. It’s smarter to tap into other people’s experiences than to learn everything yourself. You may arrive your destination too late.
I’m telling you this out of experience. I learnt a lot on my own and I discovered rather late that I would have moved faster had I purchased manuals from those who were ahead of me. And when I began doing that, my story changed. Mind you I’m not telling you to buy just any manual. Wisdom is profitable to direct.
It's your opportunity to start making money online. Don't just watch while others continue to rake in thousands of dollars online. It's your time to claim your share of the multi-million dollar empire.
Make sure you grab your own package before it's too late.
To order:
Make your payment of N4000 into any of the following account:
Account Name: Matthias Neksummi H.
Account Numbers: First Bank of Nigeria PLC Yola Main- 3602010046127
UBA Zaria- 00260520056653
GTB Zaria- 81133126011590
Text your email address, teller number, branch where payment was made to 08073639975.
Your package will be delivered to your inbox in less than 48hours.
Get this package and let me prove to you what you've been missing. There's so much money to be made on the internet but you've been getting things wrongly. I'm so confident of my product that I want you to keep in mind this 100% risk free because you get full money-back guaranty if you’re not satisfied. Even if your dog sneezes and that makes you not to like my manual, that’s good enough reason to get a refund. What do you have to lose? Nothing!
Remember I'm just taking 200 orders so I can have enough time to put the people through. Once they're taken, that's it. No more. Don't miss out!
If you order with the package on Voucher Printing and Business Financing without collateral, you’ll get all for N5000! Manual for voucher printing is N2500. Hence you get a discount of N1500 when you purchase both manuals.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Please click and read the posts I made in January when you're done with this. They're very important.
1. Virtual Address and How To Collect Your Survey Money In Nigeria
To make any significant earning with survey sites, you must be a US resident! But since you are not, you must get a virtual address to register with and where your checks will be sent to.
So many survey websites or survey companies pay through different methods. Some will pay you only
through www.paypal.com But some
of them will pay through checks.
The easiest way i know and use is through graphcard. http://www.graphcard.com/?rid=20863 You must open an account with them. And after opening the account, login
and read everything you can about their services. Select the personal account type when registering.
Opening an account with graphcard is FREE. So do that
right now. After you have done that and you are ready to fund your graph card account with money. You will need to reach
one of their representatives on 08052000195.
Another benefit of owning a graph card account is that you will be able to collect your survey check right here in Nigeria. Let me give you a step by step
guide. This is how graph card virtual address works...
My own Graph card is:
8101 Sandy Spring Road
Suite 220 No. 2466, Laurel MD 20707
(Note: that all graph card addresses are the same, the difference is in the ‘No.’ i.e. the PMB). With this address go to a survey website and register. Some people have written me that they encountered problems getting their virtual address. I've also verified that you need to pay first before getting the virtual address. Now since you are new to the system and we want to start making money today, go ahead and register with the address above but leave out 'No. 2466' because that's my personal box number. Register with the survey sites and later when you are able to pay for your virtual address, you could edit your survey accounts and add your personal bos number since all the addressses are the same with exception of the box numbers.
In the process of registration the survey website will always ask for payee name which is the name you want your check to be sent to. In this case don't use your name own name rather use LFR COMMUNICATIONS INC.
That is the name of GRAPH CARD organization. With this name once your check gets to them, and it normally does in less than 3 days after the survey
company sents the check. Graph card will look at your box number, and through that number they will be able to detect that it is you. So don’t use mine because your earnings will be going into my graphcard account. Some people will want to be smart and instead of registering their virtual address, they’ll want to use mine. Once they detect whose box number is, they will convert the money that is one the check and pay it into your graph card account. Their commission is 5%.
When you have confirmed that your graph card account has been funded. You
will then look for the withdraw button after you have logged into your graph card account and click it. The best two withdraw methods that are good for us in Nigeria is:
Western Union or MoneyGram and Direct Bank Payment.
If you choose western union or Moneygram as the case may be, graph card sends you the money so all you need do is to go to the bank and collect your money.
If you choose the other method which you will need a GTBank savings account. With that account you will be able to wire your money directly from your graph card account into your GTBank account!
But if you don’t like this option, you could write your name as the payee and still use your virtual address. Once graphcard receives your check, they’ll notify you through your e-mail and you’ll pay them to ship your check to your Nigerian address while you take the check and pay into your domiciliary account. It takes 21days to clear.
Virtual Telephone Number:
You can also get a virtual phone number from graphcard. Check their site.
2. Changing Your IP
Once you’re done with your virtual address, you’ll need to go through an IP other than your Nigerian IP all the time before you enter any survey site.
You could go through the following:
and any other way you know to change your IP.
Connect to FREE Internet Browsing
There have also been complaint about some people's inability to change their IPs.
If you own a laptop or Desktop, I can help you connect to internet from home and that connection comes with a US IP hence you don't have problem taking any survey.
Call me if you need this arrangement.
A great website, and I mean a REALLY great website is Vindale.
Read this well: Even if you decided not to work or register in any survey website, except this one, if you do it well you can make $500 to $1,000 in 60-90 days from now without investing more than 4 hours a week.
Here is what you should do,
[1] Go to http://tryvindale.com/V03fz2Myr and register.
Please if you are not resident in the US. Copy the link above and go to: www.indirectconnection.com and paste it in the search box and click ‘go’. Then you can register. If not you’ll be registering with an IP that is not a US IP and that will affect your earnings.
And it gets even much better. You earn $5 for each person you refer. Read this:
'Help us spread the word! We'll add $5.00 to your Vindale Research account everytime you get a friend, family member, colleague, boyfriend, girlfriend or whomever* to:
1. Sign up using your referral link below.
2. Complete at least one product evaluation.
Once we verify that the new member you referred has sucessfully completed at least one product evaluation, we'll add $5.00 to your Vindale Research account. And there is no limit to the number of referrals you can generate'.
Do I need to say any other thing?
Ok we're not done yet. Get your $45 right now:
Ok I’m going to leave you with these two sites for FREE. I think these are enough for free. To get how to actually change your IP, access to other great sites and many more mind blowing things you could do on the internet, order for my breath-taking manual.
It's your opportunity to start making money online. Don't just watch while others continue to rake in thousands of dollars online. It's your time to claim your share of the multi-million dollar empire.
Make sure you grab your own package before it's too late.
To order:
Make your payment of N4000 into any of the following account:
Account Name: Matthias Neksummi H.
Account Numbers: First Bank of Nigeria PLC Yola Main- 3602010046127
UBA Zaria- 00260520056653
GTB Zaria- 81133126011590
Text your email address, teller number, branch where payment was made to 08073639975.
Your package will be delivered to your inbox in less than 48hours.
Get this package and let me prove to you what you've been missing. There's so much money to be made on the internet but you've been getting things wrongly. I'm so confident of my product that I want you to keep in mind this 100% risk free because you get full money-back guaranty if you’re not satisfied. Even if your dog sneezes and that makes you not to like my manual, that’s good enough reason to get a refund. What do you have to lose? Nothing!
Remember I'm just taking 200 orders so I can have enough time to put the people through. Once they're taken, that's it. No more. Don't miss out!
If you order with the package on Voucher Printing and Business Financing without collateral, you’ll get all for N5000!
1. Virtual Address and How To Collect Your Survey Money In Nigeria
To make any significant earning with survey sites, you must be a US resident! But since you are not, you must get a virtual address to register with and where your checks will be sent to.
So many survey websites or survey companies pay through different methods. Some will pay you only
through www.paypal.com But some
of them will pay through checks.
The easiest way i know and use is through graphcard. http://www.graphcard.com/?rid=20863 You must open an account with them. And after opening the account, login
and read everything you can about their services. Select the personal account type when registering.
Opening an account with graphcard is FREE. So do that
right now. After you have done that and you are ready to fund your graph card account with money. You will need to reach
one of their representatives on 08052000195.
Another benefit of owning a graph card account is that you will be able to collect your survey check right here in Nigeria. Let me give you a step by step
guide. This is how graph card virtual address works...
My own Graph card is:
8101 Sandy Spring Road
Suite 220 No. 2466, Laurel MD 20707
(Note: that all graph card addresses are the same, the difference is in the ‘No.’ i.e. the PMB). With this address go to a survey website and register. Some people have written me that they encountered problems getting their virtual address. I've also verified that you need to pay first before getting the virtual address. Now since you are new to the system and we want to start making money today, go ahead and register with the address above but leave out 'No. 2466' because that's my personal box number. Register with the survey sites and later when you are able to pay for your virtual address, you could edit your survey accounts and add your personal bos number since all the addressses are the same with exception of the box numbers.
In the process of registration the survey website will always ask for payee name which is the name you want your check to be sent to. In this case don't use your name own name rather use LFR COMMUNICATIONS INC.
That is the name of GRAPH CARD organization. With this name once your check gets to them, and it normally does in less than 3 days after the survey
company sents the check. Graph card will look at your box number, and through that number they will be able to detect that it is you. So don’t use mine because your earnings will be going into my graphcard account. Some people will want to be smart and instead of registering their virtual address, they’ll want to use mine. Once they detect whose box number is, they will convert the money that is one the check and pay it into your graph card account. Their commission is 5%.
When you have confirmed that your graph card account has been funded. You
will then look for the withdraw button after you have logged into your graph card account and click it. The best two withdraw methods that are good for us in Nigeria is:
Western Union or MoneyGram and Direct Bank Payment.
If you choose western union or Moneygram as the case may be, graph card sends you the money so all you need do is to go to the bank and collect your money.
If you choose the other method which you will need a GTBank savings account. With that account you will be able to wire your money directly from your graph card account into your GTBank account!
But if you don’t like this option, you could write your name as the payee and still use your virtual address. Once graphcard receives your check, they’ll notify you through your e-mail and you’ll pay them to ship your check to your Nigerian address while you take the check and pay into your domiciliary account. It takes 21days to clear.
Virtual Telephone Number:
You can also get a virtual phone number from graphcard. Check their site.
2. Changing Your IP
Once you’re done with your virtual address, you’ll need to go through an IP other than your Nigerian IP all the time before you enter any survey site.
You could go through the following:
and any other way you know to change your IP.
Connect to FREE Internet Browsing
There have also been complaint about some people's inability to change their IPs.
If you own a laptop or Desktop, I can help you connect to internet from home and that connection comes with a US IP hence you don't have problem taking any survey.
Call me if you need this arrangement.
A great website, and I mean a REALLY great website is Vindale.
Read this well: Even if you decided not to work or register in any survey website, except this one, if you do it well you can make $500 to $1,000 in 60-90 days from now without investing more than 4 hours a week.
Here is what you should do,
[1] Go to http://tryvindale.com/V03fz2Myr and register.
Please if you are not resident in the US. Copy the link above and go to: www.indirectconnection.com and paste it in the search box and click ‘go’. Then you can register. If not you’ll be registering with an IP that is not a US IP and that will affect your earnings.
And it gets even much better. You earn $5 for each person you refer. Read this:
'Help us spread the word! We'll add $5.00 to your Vindale Research account everytime you get a friend, family member, colleague, boyfriend, girlfriend or whomever* to:
1. Sign up using your referral link below.
2. Complete at least one product evaluation.
Once we verify that the new member you referred has sucessfully completed at least one product evaluation, we'll add $5.00 to your Vindale Research account. And there is no limit to the number of referrals you can generate'.
Do I need to say any other thing?
Ok we're not done yet. Get your $45 right now:
Ok I’m going to leave you with these two sites for FREE. I think these are enough for free. To get how to actually change your IP, access to other great sites and many more mind blowing things you could do on the internet, order for my breath-taking manual.
It's your opportunity to start making money online. Don't just watch while others continue to rake in thousands of dollars online. It's your time to claim your share of the multi-million dollar empire.
Make sure you grab your own package before it's too late.
To order:
Make your payment of N4000 into any of the following account:
Account Name: Matthias Neksummi H.
Account Numbers: First Bank of Nigeria PLC Yola Main- 3602010046127
UBA Zaria- 00260520056653
GTB Zaria- 81133126011590
Text your email address, teller number, branch where payment was made to 08073639975.
Your package will be delivered to your inbox in less than 48hours.
Get this package and let me prove to you what you've been missing. There's so much money to be made on the internet but you've been getting things wrongly. I'm so confident of my product that I want you to keep in mind this 100% risk free because you get full money-back guaranty if you’re not satisfied. Even if your dog sneezes and that makes you not to like my manual, that’s good enough reason to get a refund. What do you have to lose? Nothing!
Remember I'm just taking 200 orders so I can have enough time to put the people through. Once they're taken, that's it. No more. Don't miss out!
If you order with the package on Voucher Printing and Business Financing without collateral, you’ll get all for N5000!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Money creates ability. Having a lot of it brings satisfaction to your soul and frees your mind to concentrate on achieving your goals. With Money you express love, pay bills, solve problems. Money answereth all things.
Poverty on the other hand is tormenting. Poverty is a thief. It steals much more than your finances. It steals your dream. It steals your sense of worth. It steals your significance, it steals your ability to bless those around you.
Financial deliverers are special gifts from God. Few true financial deliverers exist though. You must therefore be sensitive to recognise such deliverers when they come your way with opportunities. Don't miss out on great oppotunities because work is mentioned in them. Opportunities dress in overalls and disguise as work.
I am concerned that too many Nigerians and people around the world are focused so much on making quick money and not their greatest wealth, which is their education. If you think money solves problems, I am afraid you'll have a rough ride. Intelligence solves problems and produces money. Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone.
After two years of research and investment of over half a million naira ($3500+) and many sleepless nights, I've established that it is possible to make real cash online. You see, making money on the internet is not as hard as many people picture it to be, of course you will work because success is spelt W-O-R-K but with proper guidance, its easy. I want you to start making your internet income in as little as 24hrs after setting up the systems I will be revealing to you.
The price I paid was HUGE but I have no regrets.
I made some stunning discoveries;
• There is so much lie on the internet .
• Some people can go to any length to make money out of you not minding what happens to you afterwards.
• These heartless people that I call hungry sharks are numerous and are hungrier now than ever before and they are very much around.
• I ve discovered that there are really nice guys too who give more than they promote.
Now because of the anomynity of the internet and because you dont know me, I do not want to give testimonials to convince you to buy my product. This is because any one could pay people to disguise as benefactors of his program. Therefore I want you to find out for yourself. Go to www.google.com and search my name 'neksummi' . If the result you see does'nt convince you that I can teach you internet bussiness, close this page and go your way. If it does, then you must take me seriously.
I am looking for 200 motivated Nigerians who havent made a single dime online yet or who are struggling to make real money online to show them how to make at least s300 in 4 weeks ... without investing a dime I you dont really want to.
Here some of the things I will be revealing to you in my report;
• How to buy domain names for $10 and resell them for 500 the same week or more if you decide to keep it longer. The latest secret of buying and selling websites for insane profit.
• This secret alone can make you over $2000 in 2 months, guaranteed
• A secret way on how to hide your IP address.
• Access to more survey websites that are HOT and will pay you up to $5 per survey job. You can start these jobs today and start earning even if you dont have a dime to invest.
• Step by Step guide on how to build your own affiliate marketing business starting from scratch, and how to earn your profit in less than 7days!
I'm Not Done Yet. I'm Going To Drive You Silly, Your Head Will Spin, You'll Be Jumping Up and Down, Bumping Into Furniture, And Yelling: "This Is Too Much!!!"
If You Order Today, You'll Benefit From the Following and Some Other Bonuses:
• I'll Give You Keys To Creating Information Product That Sell Even In Over Crowded, Highly Competitive Markets.
• How to Uncover Hundreds of Experts In any Market That Can Participate In Creation of Your Infornation Arsenal
• Where and how to get a US or UK address you can use to start your business.
• How To Open a US Bank Account and Verify Paypal
• Web Design and Graphics
• Membership Site Vedios
• Software for Increased Browsing Speed.
These bonuses alone are worth N30,000 but I'm handing them to you at no extra cost. So how much will it cost you to get my product? I'm sure you are eager to know. I'll tell you but first let me point out some things to you.
• The value of the package you'll be getting from me is N85,000.
• You'll be learning first- hand from my wealth of internet marketing experience.
• I will make sure you succeed with your business, cos I'll give you every support you need.
Therefore if I tell you to pay N100,000 I will be justified, after all you will be earning more than that very soon and besides I spent over N0.5million and two years of hard work to come up with this product.
But you don't have to pay that much. If you order today, you'll pay ONLY N4000. Yes for only N4000, I'll be taking you through my wealth of internet marketing experience.
Your investment in this package is Risk Free! You are covered by By No Bull, No Question Asked, No Quibble, No Beef, No Risk, 100% Money Back Guarantee! In Short It's More Than a Money Back Guarantee. If You Apply My Strategies and You Don't Make At Least $300 in 4 weeks, I'll Refund Your Money, Apologise to You and Pay You N5000 for Wasting Your Time!
This is to tell you how confident about the product i'm marketing to you. So let's wrap it up. Are you Ready to start making money online? If you are, then you have to get this package.
• Now is the time for you to say YES to success.
• Now is the time for you to say YES to banking in bucks just like a true marketing guru.
• Now is the time for you to say YES to taking your online business to the next level.
• Now is the time for you to say YES to getting over that hump holding you back for so long.
It's your opportunity to start making money online. Don't just watch while others continue to rake in thousands of dollars online. It's your time to claim your share of the multi-million dollar empire.
Make sure you grab your own package before it's too late.
To order:
• Make your payment of N4000 into any of the following account:
Account Name: Matthias Neksummi H.
Account Numbers: First Bank of Nigeria PLC Yola Main- 3602010046127
UBA Zaria- 00260520056653
GTB Zaria- 81133126011590
• Text your email address, teller number, branch where payment was made to 08073639975.
• Your package will be delivered to your inbox in less than 48hours.
Get this package and let me prove to you what you've been missing. There's so much money to be made on the internet but you've been getting things wrongly. I'm so confident of my product that I'll give back to you 100% of your money if you don't like it. What do you have to lose? Nothing!
Remember I'm just taking 200 orders so I can have enough time to put the people through. Once they're taken, that's it. No more. Don't miss out!
Poverty on the other hand is tormenting. Poverty is a thief. It steals much more than your finances. It steals your dream. It steals your sense of worth. It steals your significance, it steals your ability to bless those around you.
Financial deliverers are special gifts from God. Few true financial deliverers exist though. You must therefore be sensitive to recognise such deliverers when they come your way with opportunities. Don't miss out on great oppotunities because work is mentioned in them. Opportunities dress in overalls and disguise as work.
I am concerned that too many Nigerians and people around the world are focused so much on making quick money and not their greatest wealth, which is their education. If you think money solves problems, I am afraid you'll have a rough ride. Intelligence solves problems and produces money. Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone.
After two years of research and investment of over half a million naira ($3500+) and many sleepless nights, I've established that it is possible to make real cash online. You see, making money on the internet is not as hard as many people picture it to be, of course you will work because success is spelt W-O-R-K but with proper guidance, its easy. I want you to start making your internet income in as little as 24hrs after setting up the systems I will be revealing to you.
The price I paid was HUGE but I have no regrets.
I made some stunning discoveries;
• There is so much lie on the internet .
• Some people can go to any length to make money out of you not minding what happens to you afterwards.
• These heartless people that I call hungry sharks are numerous and are hungrier now than ever before and they are very much around.
• I ve discovered that there are really nice guys too who give more than they promote.
Now because of the anomynity of the internet and because you dont know me, I do not want to give testimonials to convince you to buy my product. This is because any one could pay people to disguise as benefactors of his program. Therefore I want you to find out for yourself. Go to www.google.com and search my name 'neksummi' . If the result you see does'nt convince you that I can teach you internet bussiness, close this page and go your way. If it does, then you must take me seriously.
I am looking for 200 motivated Nigerians who havent made a single dime online yet or who are struggling to make real money online to show them how to make at least s300 in 4 weeks ... without investing a dime I you dont really want to.
Here some of the things I will be revealing to you in my report;
• How to buy domain names for $10 and resell them for 500 the same week or more if you decide to keep it longer. The latest secret of buying and selling websites for insane profit.
• This secret alone can make you over $2000 in 2 months, guaranteed
• A secret way on how to hide your IP address.
• Access to more survey websites that are HOT and will pay you up to $5 per survey job. You can start these jobs today and start earning even if you dont have a dime to invest.
• Step by Step guide on how to build your own affiliate marketing business starting from scratch, and how to earn your profit in less than 7days!
I'm Not Done Yet. I'm Going To Drive You Silly, Your Head Will Spin, You'll Be Jumping Up and Down, Bumping Into Furniture, And Yelling: "This Is Too Much!!!"
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Monday, January 26, 2009
Amazing opportunities exist in the GSM industry condidering that over 50million Nigerians struggle to buy GSM products as if their lives depended on it. Recharge card is one GSM product that GSM users have not been able to live without.
Right now there are those considered to be addicted to recharge cards. Or how else can one describe anyone who spends an average of N6,000 daily on recharge cards. That's about N180,000 monthly. It is only when one is addicted that he can spend this much on recharge cards in one month. But that is the case with some people already. No wonder recharge card business keeps booming amidst strong competition among many call centre operators across the country. A survey shows that apart from satchet water (pure water), recharge cards are the fastest selling products in the country accounting for over N5million daily sales. What a goldmine!
Have you always wanted to know how you can tap into the money making opportunities in the GSM recharge card business but you didn't know how; here's your ticket to this mega opportunity for small investors.
Doing Recharge Card With GSM Operators Directly
The GSM operators are more willing to recruit you as one of their recharge card merchants than you are even willing to be. As more mega dealers opt-out and venture into more tasking and financially demanding GSM businesses, they are frustrating the GSM operators recharge card distribution thus helping to make the recharge card business more profitable than it used to be. The opportunities created by the disappearing dealers have created money making business for smart entrepreneurs like you to tap into. And here I will lay bare those things you need to have in order to position yourself in this mega billion market. The first thing I must tell you is money. You need to have a lot of it to get the GSM operators listen to you. The operator you are talking to may determine how much you will be looking for. For instance GLO may be asking for between N750,000-N1.5million while MTN may be asking for N1.5 and Zain may just need you to have N500,000-N750,000 only. However the benefits are worth the money you may be investing like 10% discount on recharge cards; 2% additional discount for transportation cost; up to 10% extra bonus on total volume of sales in 90days, if you hit your target and other fringe benefits like cars, houses, all-expense paid paid overseas travels etc. It can even get better like free insurance policy for up to 10 cars. All these and more can only be yours if you are a recharge card merchant.
Smale Scale Investors
The recharge card business is very profitable, you probably know too. But for one to make profit from the business, you must have some reasonable amount of money to invest; same with every other business- the more capital you have, the better your chances of picking up fast. I will put the acceptable minimum at N50,000 but that's not to say you cannot start with less. You can start with as little as N15,000.Having your own internet connection is good but you can use the cafe close to you if you can't afford your own internet connection.
Now let's face the truth about GSM recharge card business marketing. Although recharge card business is very lucrative and there are millions to be made from it, what determines how much you make is marketing. Anyone can print GSM recharge cards once you have a computer and a HP laser jet printer installed, but not everyone can sell GSM recharge cards.
I may bother you as an entrepreneur how to sell your products and make good profits. Do not have the fear that you are new in the business and my be denied good patronage. All you need do is to make a through market survey of your area. Make a list of the sub dealers that sell at cheapest rate to the GSM call centers around you. Then, try to reasonable cut your price and wait for the result. You will discover that people tend to walk a few kilometers from their vicinity to patronize a dealer in another locality simply because of a reduction in price which is not even more than 50 kobo. For example, if the cheapest MTN N100 in your area goes for N96, you may sell for N95.50 and beat the other dealers (your competitors). Always remember however that no matter the number of your competitor you still will have your fair share of the market. This is a principle that is driven by creativity and good market strategy. Your customers will come to you.
In addition to this you may accept the family sales technique. This involves every member of the same household having some vouchers with them at any certain time and is ready to make sales at the slightest possible chance to do so. This method has been tested and the results very positive. Selling at both wholesale and retail price can bring in extra earnings and increase profit margin.
A third method is the let others do the sales. In this method you involve people who may not be ordinarily interested in this business by offering vouchers to them on credits and with profits. For instance Mrs. X may not be into the sale of voucher, may be a cyber café owner or business center agent. You approach Mrs. X and offer her some cards say 10 of each units of MTN 100, Celtel 100 and Glo 100 at the rate of say N98. She makes N2 on each while you make N5 and sell faster. It is the cumulative effect of this that will count.
To start Printing recharge cards, go to the nearest GSM operator's office. Well, that's when you have so much money to invest. But for a small investor like you, all you need now is... ok it's all in my manual.
But is the whole thing legal? What if the PINs are fake? So many questions are popping up your head right now. Let me answer the ones that really matter now. This is a business you can do and EFCC will not come after you. So it's perfectly legal as long as you get your PINs from the right sources. Don't even think of it as fake. The PINs are so protected that the first person that will ever see it is you who printed it. The authorised distributor who sold it to you never saw the numbers because they are encrypted.
Your authorised distributors are the GSM dealers near you. If there's one near you authorised by the GSM operators to sell recharge PINs, approach him and speak with him. But I can almost guarantee you that those dealers will tell you, they don't know what you're talking about. They'll see you as a competitor but in the actual sense, you're a partner in progress. But not to worry, in my manual, I'm going to reveal to you dealers that are willing to partner with you so you can start on a small scale.
Tap into over 370 billion naira GSM recharge card goldmine by ordering for your manual right away.
The major reason why many people are not rich is because they are not in their own business; and the reason why majority of people are not in their own business is because they don't have start up capital.
Although, raising business capital is not an easy venture, yet it is not an impossible task.
To sit down and do nothing because there is no enough money is simply an untenable excuse.
In my manual that also contains how to start recharge card printing, I shall teach you how to raise cash for any kind of business that you have ever dreamt of going into, if you will DILIGENTLY do the work involved. And what's that work? Contacting the organisations involved.
To order:
· Make your payment of N2500 into any of the following account:
Account Name: Matthias Neksummi H.
Account Numbers: First Bank of Nigeria PLC Yola Main- 3602010046127
UBA Zaria- 00260520056653
GTB Zaria- 81133126011590
· Text your email address, teller number, branch where payment was made to 08073639975.
· Your package will be delivered to your inbox in less than 48hours.
. To take advantage of this package and that of starting your internet business,
pay the sum of N5000 ONLY.
Right now there are those considered to be addicted to recharge cards. Or how else can one describe anyone who spends an average of N6,000 daily on recharge cards. That's about N180,000 monthly. It is only when one is addicted that he can spend this much on recharge cards in one month. But that is the case with some people already. No wonder recharge card business keeps booming amidst strong competition among many call centre operators across the country. A survey shows that apart from satchet water (pure water), recharge cards are the fastest selling products in the country accounting for over N5million daily sales. What a goldmine!
Have you always wanted to know how you can tap into the money making opportunities in the GSM recharge card business but you didn't know how; here's your ticket to this mega opportunity for small investors.
Doing Recharge Card With GSM Operators Directly
The GSM operators are more willing to recruit you as one of their recharge card merchants than you are even willing to be. As more mega dealers opt-out and venture into more tasking and financially demanding GSM businesses, they are frustrating the GSM operators recharge card distribution thus helping to make the recharge card business more profitable than it used to be. The opportunities created by the disappearing dealers have created money making business for smart entrepreneurs like you to tap into. And here I will lay bare those things you need to have in order to position yourself in this mega billion market. The first thing I must tell you is money. You need to have a lot of it to get the GSM operators listen to you. The operator you are talking to may determine how much you will be looking for. For instance GLO may be asking for between N750,000-N1.5million while MTN may be asking for N1.5 and Zain may just need you to have N500,000-N750,000 only. However the benefits are worth the money you may be investing like 10% discount on recharge cards; 2% additional discount for transportation cost; up to 10% extra bonus on total volume of sales in 90days, if you hit your target and other fringe benefits like cars, houses, all-expense paid paid overseas travels etc. It can even get better like free insurance policy for up to 10 cars. All these and more can only be yours if you are a recharge card merchant.
Smale Scale Investors
The recharge card business is very profitable, you probably know too. But for one to make profit from the business, you must have some reasonable amount of money to invest; same with every other business- the more capital you have, the better your chances of picking up fast. I will put the acceptable minimum at N50,000 but that's not to say you cannot start with less. You can start with as little as N15,000.Having your own internet connection is good but you can use the cafe close to you if you can't afford your own internet connection.
Now let's face the truth about GSM recharge card business marketing. Although recharge card business is very lucrative and there are millions to be made from it, what determines how much you make is marketing. Anyone can print GSM recharge cards once you have a computer and a HP laser jet printer installed, but not everyone can sell GSM recharge cards.
I may bother you as an entrepreneur how to sell your products and make good profits. Do not have the fear that you are new in the business and my be denied good patronage. All you need do is to make a through market survey of your area. Make a list of the sub dealers that sell at cheapest rate to the GSM call centers around you. Then, try to reasonable cut your price and wait for the result. You will discover that people tend to walk a few kilometers from their vicinity to patronize a dealer in another locality simply because of a reduction in price which is not even more than 50 kobo. For example, if the cheapest MTN N100 in your area goes for N96, you may sell for N95.50 and beat the other dealers (your competitors). Always remember however that no matter the number of your competitor you still will have your fair share of the market. This is a principle that is driven by creativity and good market strategy. Your customers will come to you.
In addition to this you may accept the family sales technique. This involves every member of the same household having some vouchers with them at any certain time and is ready to make sales at the slightest possible chance to do so. This method has been tested and the results very positive. Selling at both wholesale and retail price can bring in extra earnings and increase profit margin.
A third method is the let others do the sales. In this method you involve people who may not be ordinarily interested in this business by offering vouchers to them on credits and with profits. For instance Mrs. X may not be into the sale of voucher, may be a cyber café owner or business center agent. You approach Mrs. X and offer her some cards say 10 of each units of MTN 100, Celtel 100 and Glo 100 at the rate of say N98. She makes N2 on each while you make N5 and sell faster. It is the cumulative effect of this that will count.
To start Printing recharge cards, go to the nearest GSM operator's office. Well, that's when you have so much money to invest. But for a small investor like you, all you need now is... ok it's all in my manual.
But is the whole thing legal? What if the PINs are fake? So many questions are popping up your head right now. Let me answer the ones that really matter now. This is a business you can do and EFCC will not come after you. So it's perfectly legal as long as you get your PINs from the right sources. Don't even think of it as fake. The PINs are so protected that the first person that will ever see it is you who printed it. The authorised distributor who sold it to you never saw the numbers because they are encrypted.
Your authorised distributors are the GSM dealers near you. If there's one near you authorised by the GSM operators to sell recharge PINs, approach him and speak with him. But I can almost guarantee you that those dealers will tell you, they don't know what you're talking about. They'll see you as a competitor but in the actual sense, you're a partner in progress. But not to worry, in my manual, I'm going to reveal to you dealers that are willing to partner with you so you can start on a small scale.
Tap into over 370 billion naira GSM recharge card goldmine by ordering for your manual right away.
The major reason why many people are not rich is because they are not in their own business; and the reason why majority of people are not in their own business is because they don't have start up capital.
Although, raising business capital is not an easy venture, yet it is not an impossible task.
To sit down and do nothing because there is no enough money is simply an untenable excuse.
In my manual that also contains how to start recharge card printing, I shall teach you how to raise cash for any kind of business that you have ever dreamt of going into, if you will DILIGENTLY do the work involved. And what's that work? Contacting the organisations involved.
To order:
· Make your payment of N2500 into any of the following account:
Account Name: Matthias Neksummi H.
Account Numbers: First Bank of Nigeria PLC Yola Main- 3602010046127
UBA Zaria- 00260520056653
GTB Zaria- 81133126011590
· Text your email address, teller number, branch where payment was made to 08073639975.
· Your package will be delivered to your inbox in less than 48hours.
. To take advantage of this package and that of starting your internet business,
pay the sum of N5000 ONLY.
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